Humility, Europe Outreaches, Furlough
HUMILITY, EUROPE OUTREACHES , FURLOUGH Hello, Everyone. Sharin g M y Humbling Moments I hope you are doing well with your family and friends. I would like to share with you from my heart. My wise advisors (from the USA, Jamaica, Romania, Holland, and Gambia) gave me a lot of great advice about the mission support team, newsletter, engagement, spiritual covering, etc. In the past months, I realized I mostly shared the good things but not my struggles with you through my life and ministry. I have been facing daily struggles in Gambia. I will do my best to ask you for your prayers about my struggles in life and ministry. I am reminding myself and you that we all are humans that face struggles. God is using you to be a team with me to do His work because prayers are powerful. This month, I learned a challenging lesson to humble myself and share my failures/struggles. In fact, I made a lot of mistakes and accepted responsibility to help me grow spiritually. ...