Humility, Europe Outreaches, Furlough


Hello, Everyone.


Sharing My Humbling Moments


 I hope you are doing well with your family and friends. I would like to share with you from my heart. My wise advisors (from the USA, Jamaica, Romania, Holland, and Gambia) gave me a lot of great advice about the mission support team, newsletter, engagement, spiritual covering, etc. In the past months, I realized I mostly shared the good things but not my struggles with you through my life and ministry. I have been facing daily struggles in Gambia. I will do my best to ask you for your prayers about my struggles in life and ministry.


I am reminding myself and you that we all are humans that face struggles. God is using you to be a team with me to do His work because prayers are powerful. This month, I learned a challenging lesson to humble myself and share my failures/struggles. In fact, I made a lot of mistakes and accepted responsibility to help me grow spiritually. He has been developing my character a lot and He definitely made no mistake to call me to Gambia.


I'm sorry for not sharing what happened to me and the church in the past since I arrived in Gambia. In fact, I have been experiencing gossip, slander, and malice. Some people told lies about us to make our deaf church look bad. A few months ago, there were break-ins and theft from the home church. People secretly entered the church to act like "believers," but sadly, they were spying on us to find ways against us. Many people carried witchcraft into the ministry. I ask you to please pray for us to stand firmly with the armor of God and let Him take care of them. The church needs to be healed. Your prayers would be appreciated.


I received a lot of concerns from you about my engagement with Solomon. My supporters decided to help me and pray for me to find clear answers from the Lord. I want to say I am sorry that I overlooked some things. Solomon and I officially ended our engagement. God pushed me back in the right direction. I want to thank you for sharing your cares about me, they were really appreciated.  


Trips to Europe


(Keywords: YWAM-Youth With A Mission & DTS- Disciple Training School)


Arriving in Holland, I stayed for two nights then flew to Romania. I had two days to stay in Constanta, and it was so worth it! I had an opportunity to get to know Brent and Nora. They welcomed me to stay at their place, and I felt so at home there! I tasted the YWAM values there, which reminded me of my DTS days. We spent quality time and prayed together. I joined the fellowship with the deaf Romanians. I am pretty excited to see God’s plans to reach out to the hearts of the deaf Romanians. Brent and Nora definitely are ready for their first upcoming DTS in January!


Brent and Nora would like to share their experience with me during my visit: "We enjoyed connecting with Kevlasha and hearing her story. We are currently preparing to launch our first sign language DTS here in Romania, and one of the applicants is a Deaf-blind lady also. Hearing Kevlasha’s testimony and having her stay here with us has helped us understand even more the kind of support a deaf-blind person needs on a daily basis. We were so inspired by Kevlasha’s courage to take on missions in the world, wherever God leads her, with such strength and faith! We also just enjoyed fellowship with her in our home, took her to one of our ministry social evenings with the Deaf people here and it was nice for them to meet someone new, too! Kevlasha has a great passion for God’s word, and we know that God will use her gift to inspire many deaf people to follow Him!"


Back in Holland, I received a lot of the energy of God as He used Brent and Nora to give me amazing support. I went to a young deaf Christian conference. I had a fellowship with young deaf Dutch people and provided a workshop about personal relationships with God. I attended both deaf churches with my Dutch friends, Linda and Kees, whom I met through my DTS in the USA. I preached and shared with them about the Gambian deaf church and a little about Samaritana at Kees' KaDosh. I have seen how God used me to impact the lives of others in Holland. I had an opportunity to meet and pray for them. I shared an announcement about the upcoming deaf DTS in Romania and Jamaica. I had some people who are interested in doing the DTS and asked me a lot of questions. A deaf man came to me and wanted to know about Jesus; it was his first time at KaDosh church, and he listened to God’s words through me. I introduced him to one of the three deaf pastors from that church. I learned that he continued attending. God is so good! I ask you to please pray for this man to open his heart and welcome Jesus in his life one day. KaDosh church donated to support the deaf church in Gambia. Also, I ask you please pray for KaDosh church to continue to disciple to deaf people and help them grow closer to our Lord. 


With Linda’s family, I spent much time and learned more about how they live as a family. They tend to read the Bible and pray after finishing dinner. After that, they had coffee/tea and played a variety of games. They did that every day, which was an interesting experience to join with them. I had a few days to experience the culture of Holland with them like riding on a boat, Van Gogh's museum, ice-skating, and learning how to cook Dutch foods. They taught me how to sign in Dutch, as well. I picked it up better than I thought! They gave me two special presents: a cane, a Dutch Bible and a glass bowl! With Kees’s family, I visited them and had dinner. I was surprised that Kees’ family did the same things as Linda’s family; that they had the Bible and prayed after dinner. Kees’ parents wanted to support me to continue doing the mission work. It was very nice catching up with Linda and Kees. Good news, I brought the Bibles from KaDosh church to Gambia! In addition, I brought the towels and handmade dolls from Linda's family that they wanted to give it to Gambians.


Furlough - Return to the USA


My ministry leaders and I agree that I need a furlough for self-care. I need to focus on myself to heal before I take a new journey to do ministry in a new destination. I need to leave Gambia and return to the USA in the second week of December if I can find a cheaper flight ticket. I need to purchase the flight ticket this week due to the discounts on "Black Friday". I kindly ask you please help to get me back to the USA. If you can donate $10 or more, that will be helpful.


I ask you to please pray for me to heal and help me prepare for my next journey.


**Note: The next newsletter will be January 27. Enjoy seeing these pictures below! Wishing you a Merry Christmas! 

My new YWAM friends Brent and Nora

Ministry Social Evening - Fellowship with the deaf Romanians

Ministry Social Evening - Brent provided a presentation

My amazing friend Linda

My another amazing friend Kees

Workshop at JOCDay - Linda interpreted in Dutch sign language and Kees did the pro-tactile for my accessibility

Fun Activities at JOCDay

Preaching - Linda interpreted in Dutch sign language

Sharing the mission experience about Gambia - Kees interpreted in Dutch sign language

The Netherlands is known for windmills

Linda's mom took me out and drank the hot chocolate with cool whipping together

Ice Skating with Linda's adorable 3-years-old cousin

Trying some Dutch foods - Yummm!

Linda and her parents took me to Van Gogh's Museum 

Kees' Van Der Hoeven Family

Dinner Fellowship with Kees' friends from KaDosh church

Linda interpreted for a deaf-blind man at the deaf-blind conference

Got the presents from Linda's family: Dutch Bible, glass bowl, and cane

Spending time with my little friend Zane

Sharing the outreach experience in Europe with the deaf Gambians

Love in Christ,

Kevlasha Humphrey

Love in Christ,
Kevlasha Humphrey


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