Hola, Everyone!
I can hardly believe that the church internship season ended a few weeks ago, December 15. I am currently on a Christmas break until December 26. I will share the wrap-up summary about an internship in the next newsletter. I was supposed to send you a newsletter this time, but the Disciple Training School (DTS) is an upcoming season on January 7th, and I would like to focus on the future Deaf Students of DTS. You will get a Christmas message from me after this.
Some of you know that I joined DTS as a student three years ago. Wow, time flies! I will be a DTS staff this January for the first time, and I am pretty excited about it! Anyway, I would still like to explain briefly about the DTS for some of you who are unfamiliar with this program. Youth With A Mission (YWAM). YWAM is "a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. We unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known." I did my DTS at YWAM DC. DTS is bringing "you into a more intimate relationship with God. It also gives you an opportunity to discover your passions and your part in God’s purposes for the world. It is for those who long to follow Jesus in new ways with a different perspective." DTS has two phases that take 5 months total. The first three months will have the lecture phase where we spend 12 weeks in the classroom to learning more about God. In the last two months, we will take an outreach trip to another country to experience how to share the gospel with unreached deaf people.
The future Deaf Jamaican DTS students have often seen American and other foreign missionaries in Jamaica—especially hearing white missionaries. While they thank God for the hearing missionaries who planted the seeds in their lives, they still feel something is missing in their faith, and they are so hungry for a deeper relationship with God. In the beginning, they did not see themselves as deaf Jamaican missionaries because they had never seen anyone like them in missions before. Additionally, things like access barriers, the fear of getting out of their comfort zone, and poverty rates have hindered deaf-black people's empowerment. However, these students decided to throw out the lie that they can’t be “deaf dark-skinned missionaries” and have stepped out to obey God’s call on their lives. They feel it is important for people to see how our powerful God can do the impossible by using a variety of people (i.e. different races, economic status’, backgrounds, limitations, genders, etc.) They have been inspired by me as a black DeafBlind missionary. Seeing how God has been using me has inspired them to believe that God will use them as well! Now, it is their TURN to be missionaries, and they are requesting your partnership with them so that they can spread the gospel of Jesus to the world!
I have been working with the students to make their own individual fundraising videos. They explained about YWAM, DTS, their passions, and a request for partnership with them. They finished spreading the word to their family and friends via their Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. I kindly ask you to pray for them to experience God’s amazing provision. I made a video with short clips of their videos that I want to share with you. Here is a video below:
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