Prayer Request


Hola, Mi Familia y Amigas!

Hello, My Family and Friends!


Thank you for your patience as I haven’t sent out a newsletter since June. I went to Mexico for a month and then visited family/friends in the USA. It was so nice seeing some of you when I was in the USA.


Although, I had a good furlough, I've also had some health concerns during the last couple of months. To be honest, I don't always feel comfortable sharing personal health updates with people, but I believe that God wants to use each of you as the body of Christ.  Also, by sharing you can join me in prayer for my health.


Back in July, I started to have lower back pain.  After a few months of on and off pain, I thought it might be something wrong with my muscles. I decided to make an appointment with the chiropractor in the middle of September. I received some treatments, but unfortunately I still was experiencing a lot of pain.


I returned to Jamaica on September 19 still experiencing the pain, but as I thought more I realized I was also experiencing more symptoms—such as abdominal pain. I decided to see a doctor in Jamaica right away. For most of my life, there have been health problems, however the doctors have not been able to find results and answers— which has been frustrating.  So I was happy when the doctor in Jamaica refered me for an ultrasound and more tests to find out what was happening in my body.


In the last week, I have taken multiple tests, got the results, and have seen a specialist.  It has been a busy week! Praise God we have figured out what has been causing the pain this summer and I got a diagnosis that makes perfect sense of many of the symptoms I have experienced for a long time.


Yesterday, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) after finding two cysts on my ovaries. One cyst caused one of my ovaries to be enlarged, and then the cyst recently ruptured.  This is what was causing my pain this summer.  As I shared my history with the specialist she was able to diagnosis me with PCOS.


The good news is that everything should dissolve and go back to normal on its own in a week or two. I have pain medicine, am taking a week to rest, and have another appointment in 3 weeks to do a check-up on how my body is healing.  We will also talk more about possible treatments and moving forward without similar complications.


I kindly ask you to pray for me.  Please pray that I can stay in peace and trust God through this process, remembering He knows what's best for my body.  Thank you so much for your prayers and I will keep you updated.


(Note: I want to communicate that I wear my mask when warranted. In photos, you will see I don't have my mask on. This is brief for the photos, immediately after mask is back on. I always ask if this is okay because I value respect for others. I added some pictures during my summer furlough in Mexico below. I will share the testimony about Mexico when I get better. Enjoy!)



Love in Christ,


Kevlasha Humphrey

YWAM - Deaf World Jamaica


YWAM Morelia, Mexicot




Copyrights ©Kevlasha Humphrey - 2021


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