A Time to Prepare

A Time to Prepare

Hello, Everyone!


Thank you to those of you who checked in on me! I know you haven’t received a newsletter update since December. I did so well in school! I learned many new things related to using hands in gestures visually. I had a lot of assignments everyday, but it was so worth it! I look forward to using the tools of what I learned. I have such a strong desire to share the gospel with Deaf people internationally.

It was very nice to meet new people and develop friendships with them. My five classmates and I became a great team, and worked well together whenever we needed help with assignments. Two of my classmates are originally from China and Myanmar. It was an interesting experience for me to interact with them. My very close friend, Veledise, came to visit me all the way from Jamaica in my last week before my Spring break started. She was able to meet people and observe my class and what it looked like. I really enjoyed having her come over!

Recently, I visited Jamaica for a week during my Spring break. They gave me a very warm welcome that made me feel at home there. I enjoyed spending time with my YWAM family. I received a lot of encouraging messages and confirmations from them. Veledise and 9 other students participated in the new Discipleship Bible School (DBS). I had an opportunity to observe the DBS class. I was able to see what it looked like, just like Veledise did in Tennessee with my class! I returned back home to Tennessee safely four days ago. I am back to focusing on my studies for now- 9 weeks left to go!



"My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else."

Romans 15:20

Preparing for Ministry

During this season, I feel like God aligned all the puzzle pieces together in my mind. God reminded me about a vision He showed me repeatedly ever since graduating from Gallaudet University in 2016. It is a vision of me in a strategy planning class at Gallaudet! I remembered all the work I had done learning how to manage and edit. God had placed the dream inside of me then creating a detailed vision for ministry someday. This has helped me now as I start to develop and prepare for my new ministry.  I have an even bigger desire to share my heart and my passion. I realize now that all the workshops, bible schools, a variety of ministries, discipleship training schools, and mental health and trauma trainings that I have been a participant of or have led was leading me to this moment of starting my own ministry. God has used the many relationships I have made along the way to show me what healthy relationships look like. Now I can go and help other people who have similar struggles as me. I will continue on and allow God to guide me to pioneer my new ministry in the near future. Ever since this very powerful realization a few months ago, I have now been revising my new ministry plan to set in motion soon! I can’t wait to make it happen for His glory!


I plan to go to a developing nation in Africa this July or in the Fall. This way, I can see what God is trying to tell me about this nation and why it has appeared in my mind over the past three years. Is it possible God wants me to establish a new ministry there? Regardless, I will leave it in His hands and trust that His plan is better than mine. In the meantime, I will be praying about a location where God wants me to start and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. It will give me an opportunity to discover what God has placed in my heart. The good news, I have a prayer team who decided to join in praying with me to help guide me. I already shared the vision with them. I will make an announcement when I receive a clear confirmation about a nation God wants me to go to. 


I kindly ask for your support and donations. It will help me make it to Africa this summer or fall. I have checked flight tickets costs online, and they are around $2,800 to $3,300 roundtrip depending on the nation I travel to. My goal is to save up all your donations in preparation for purchasing the flight tickets in God's perfect timing.  Your help would be greatly appreciated.


For now, I will be doing revisions on my ministry plan. It is important I share my vision with some people who can help me going forward in the process. They can show me the way how to set up a new ministry. I will share the completed vision with you when it is the right time. 


Prayer Requests

Please pray for me to receive wisdom from the Holy Spirit and His guidance to go through each step pioneering something new. Also, please pray that God will touch people’s hearts to help me pioneer a new ministry. I need support from a few mature spiritual advisors to help me establish a new ministry. Thank you for your support!



Love in Christ,


Kevlasha Humphrey


Ways to Donate:

Missions Enbalers International: www.meigiving.org/donate/support4kevlasha

Paypal: www.paypal.com/paypalme/support4kevi

Venmo: @Kevlasha-Humphrey


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