Jesus Is Alive!!!
Hello, Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
I want to share an encouraging message with you. My point is for you to think about Jesus’s resurrection. Today, many people believe in false teachings. For example, some people celebrate Jesus’s death, but they don’t believe that He rose again. I might ask someone, “Hey, do you believe in Jesus?” They might say yes, I would say, “me too!” and add “Do you believe that Jesus is God’s son, and died for our sins and rose again?” They might passively agree, but not really know exactly what that means and shrug it off. I want to encourage and remind you as well as myself to be careful and look out for this. We really need to continue to spread and share the true gospel.
SCRIPTURE "I am the living one. I died, but look—I am alive forever and ever!" Revelation 1:18a
Jesus truly is the Son of God, and God created everything. He made the galaxy and everything that lives on the earth. He created the first man and woman. They enjoyed a perfect intimate fellowship with God. But unfortunately, they disobeyed and sinned against God and were disconnected from Him. The human population grew and continued to sin against God and failed time and time again. However, God still had a plan. God sent Jesus, His only beloved son, to this earth in flesh as a human. He was born as a baby and grew up in perfect relation with God the Father. After Jesus got baptized, the Holy Spirit descended on Him and heard a voice from God the Father, "This is my Beloved Son." Afterward, Jesus began His ministry. Jesus’s heart would break for what God’s heart would after seeing how people on the earth were living in sin. Jesus would teach and live His life as an example of how God loves us, and we should love Him. Many people ignored Jesus. Eventually, Jesus’s teachings would come to a halt, because they decided to have him killed. However, that was also a part of God’s plan. God needed Jesus to be crucified on the cross and die for everyone's sins so that the Holy Spirit could be with us. After Jesus was buried, Three days later, they checked his tomb and it was empty. He had risen from the dead! He showed His disciples that He is alive and well and His Spirit lives on! He then told them to go out in the world and proclaim the Good News about Himself. He ascended to sit at the right hand of God the Father. God sent the power of the Holy Spirit to dwell in everyone who believes in Jesus as our Savior. They will go to heaven to be with God and have eternal life.
It is still our responsibility to continue to be disciples of Jesus and spread the Good News to everyone. Today, many children have an unclear understanding of who Jesus is. There is so much sin in the world, and people are doing it and accepting it right and left. I want to encourage you to stand up, continue having an intimate fellowship with God, and pray for the righteousness of God to be in us and work through us. There are a variety of circumstances that cause many people to lose their faith in God. I want to let you know that we, believers, will face storms and hardships in our lives. Yes, suffering is uncomfortable but God will strengthen our faith through the suffering. Even though you too might be persecuted like Jesus for going against the status quo, take heart, Jesus will come again! I encourage you to fix your eyes on God and hold fast to your faith through tough circumstances because there is hope! Jesus is alive! Stay strong! Don’t give up on faith in Him!
Happy Resurrection Day, Everyone! Love you!
Kevlasha Humphrey |
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