God Brings the Puzzle Pieces Together

Greetings from Montego Bay, Jamaica!


Safe Journey

I landed in Jamaica on June 15th, and wow there were a lot more processes for me to go through while traveling during the pandemic. Jamaica opened borders to foreigners for the first time on June 15th and there are many more requirements and they are very strict about them. I am thankful to God for helping me while I travel and helping things to progress smoothly. Thank you for your prayers, and I praise His name that I arrived safely. Sorry, I am a day late sending out my post. I decided to send out tonight because I just completed my 14 day quarantine. Today for the first time, I was able to go out and view Jamaica and took a few pictures to share with you. Your patience is greatly appreciated! I want to tell you about my last couple weeks in Iowa before I go into telling you more in detail about Jamaica.


"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."

Ephesians 4:16


Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Disciple Training School (DTS), Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf (CCCD)


Councils Bluff, Iowa

For the last three months, I have been staying with Kari and her family and I am so thankful for how much God provided during this time for me. I want to tell you about what has been going on up until June 15th. We celebrated their daughter’s birthday when she became one years old and had a little mini birthday party for her. It was amazing to watch her grow for the three months I was there, and she is more active and crawling and trying to walk with a walker. It is just amazing how God has created growth and development in these children, it’s so neat to watch. I was able to visit Deaf Missions and observe how they worked.  I felt very honored to be able to see how they do their acting, translating, and translating the Bible for the Deaf so that they can watch and understand God’s word. And guess what?! This month they have finished translating the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelations- Amazing! Plus this October they will celebrate their 50th anniversary! I am very excited for them, and that they have been able to make the gospel available for deaf people who do not know the Bible so that they may know God. On a couple of other days, Kari and I got together and went in a kayak and canoe boat-it was a lot of fun and we enjoyed seeing God through nature. Throughout the day other people would join, and we had small groups of people paddle boating. I enjoyed those days very much.


My friend Sophia’s sister is in the process of getting married, so she had a bachelorette party- just a very small group of women friends- and I joined as kind of acting as a missionary, serving them, giving them drinks and food, cleaning, and making sure that they were able to enjoy every minute of their time. It was a blessing for me to be involved and to experience serving their bachelorette party. Then I was able to watch them get married via LIVE! It will be exciting to see what God has planned for their future.  The last day before I flew out to Jamaica we gathered together as a group, and they prayed for me and commissioned me for my trip, then we shared a meal. It was a nice way to end my stay there in Iowa.

Reading Book with Chava in ASL

Spending Time with Aza

Welcome to Deaf Missions

Sharing my Missionary Experience with Fletcher

Talking with Hadassah's dad Joseph

Deaf Missions' Studio

Hadassah & Missy were my tour guides at Deaf Missions

Mariah & Aza - Canoeing

Chava & Her Mommy - Canoeing

Kayaking - So Fun

Analco Family - Their New Inflatable Boat

Trying on the Inflatable Boat - What a Blast

Women Time - Inflatable Boat

Sophia's Sister - Bachelorette Party

Watching the Wedding via LIVE

Our Last Week Together - Making the Chocolate Oatmeal M&M


Here in Jamaica

Now about Jamaica. I have finally been able to see Dan and Carole and their children!  I have also met my roommate Anna who is also a staff for the Deaf ministry. We are together- we have the full picture of the puzzle, all the pieces in the puzzle are finally together! We are in quarantine at our home here and are not able to leave right now.


For this month, Dan and Carole are teaching Anna and me about leadership and doing an orientation with me- discussing about YWAM JA’s vision and values, the heart of the Deaf World ministry my vision is for my stay in Jamaica, what my ideas are, and Jamaica’s culture here. My team and I have a project to work on- we are remodeling our classroom for the future DTS. We need to repaint it, rebuild it, clean it up, do the sanding. We are also doing homeschooling with Dan and Carole’s five-year-old daughter, Olive.  I take the opportunity to homeschool her while her mother, Carole, focuses on their son named Valor who will be 2 years old next month. We have turned in my visa application and all the documentation they require for an extended stay of three years to serve as a missionary with YWAM JA.


Finally, I will stay in Jamaica for a month and return to America on July 15th.  During quarantine, we are getting to know each other as a team and establishing a family environment. Today, I finally completed my two-week quarantine and they show me around Jamaica and introduce me to people at CCCD, and the YWAM base.


I want to clarify on my financial update. I receive monthly donations and one-time donations. The monthly donation total is $595. The one-time donation total is $1,950. If I divide the one time donations into monthly donations, the total for this year is $757.50. I am only $242.50 from my goal of $1,000 monthly for 2020. I praise God for the relationships and partnerships that are happening and the finances given.  I know He will continue to provide and make the impossible happen. He can touch people’s hearts and use them for His work.


If you are interested or know a friend that might be interested in becoming a financial partner, please email me.   Thank you for your continual support through prayer and donations to help me be a missionary for two years here in Jamaica. 


The next newsletter will be on July 30. Thank you.


Love in Christ,




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