Strengthen My Faith

Hello, My Family and Friends!


I am excited to share that Dan and Carole, the founders of Deaf World DTS, have asked me to lead the next two Disciple Training School (DTS).  Since I arrived in Jamaica, I have been growing and I expressed my desire to lead DTSs.  They agreed that I have leadership ability and believe in me so asked me to lead the next DTSs.  The last couple months, they have been intentionally discipling me in the details of preparing and leading DTSs.  The upcoming two DTSs are in January 2022 and September 2022. I need your prayers for me to have a humble heart during this time of preparation. That I will have integrity and transparency in spiritual servant leadership. Please also pray for me to embrace and learn through my mistakes, weaknesses, and strengths. I desire to grow my character during this new and exciting challenge, and become more like Christ! I have been meditating on John 3:30, "He must increase, but I must decrease.”
My passion is to see my team and students grow spiritually and become closer to God. I have put in place two goals to make this happen. The first goal is to see the expansion of new missionaries who are called to reach out to the deaf community across the world. We need more laborers, according to the scripture of Luke 10:2, "And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." The second is to see more deaf people come to know Christ! Right now, only 2% of 70 million deaf people know Jesus personally. With God all things are possible!


The Story of Moses

God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses was very hesitant and did not think he was the man for the job. So God sent his brother, Aaron, to be Moses’s helper. He was able to speak for Moses and support him throughout his task of leading God’s people out. 


This story really applies to my experience a few months ago. During the previous DTS season when we went on outreach to a different country, Dan and Carole asked me if I would be interested in leading upcoming DTS seasons. I said “yes” but continued to wonder what that would be like. When we were on outreach, I really had a hard time imagining what it would look like for a DeafBlind person to lead because of all the foreseen communication and visual barriers I saw. 


On my trip, I changed my mind. I was convinced that there was no way someone who was DeafBlind like me could lead a DTS. I continued to wrestle with God, feeling discouraged with His calling He put on my life of becoming a missionary. I told God I would need support and after that moment of frustration with God I threw up my hands and went to bed. 


That night, I had a dream around 3:00am. In that dream, God told me that someone from the previous graduating groups of YWAMers would become my helpers. “I will send them to you. You need to trust me” God said. I woke up and quickly wrote down my dream, very shaken up but eventually I fell back to sleep. After that, I told Carole and Dan about all of this and that God had more to tell me after DTS was over. I still had so many questions about what was going on but trusted in what God told me. 


Once DTS wrapped up, I kept trying to stay positive even though I was now facing several health issues and challenges. Feeling so disheartened, I told God I wanted to give up being a missionary. A short time later, Veledise, a recent DTS graduate and now YWAMer, reached out to me and told me God had told her to support me and become my helper! I was stunned! I shared with her the vision God had shown me a while back, and she said that it was in full alignment with what God had shown her too! It is so amazing how God communicates with us! God sent Aaron, just like He sent Veledise to support me! 


Honestly, this process has helped me grow in my faith in God.  In the past, I had faith without seeing for situations but it was a struggle that seemed so much larger than anything in the past. I did not have the faith that God called me to be a DeafBlind missionary and He would provide a support team. I noticed His grace in sending Veledise, even though I did not have faith to believe before she said she wanted to come.  This has made my faith grow and my desire to believe God for the future and my very need related to being a DeafBlind missionary.


Fly to Seattle - Financial Requests

On December 1st, Veledise and I will fly out and meet in Spokane, Washington. We will be socializing with the DeafBlind community in Seattle to gain awareness about their Pro-Tactile practices. Our goal is to develop communication access for my future endeavors as a missionary leader. We will meet up with a woman named Emily who is also Deaf. She has some of experience working as a Support Service Provider (SSP) with the DeafBlind community there. Emily is also interested in the next DTS session starting in September. I look forward to potentially having her as one of my students someday! Anyways, Emily will be driving. It will take us six hours to arrive in Seattle where we will be hopping around to various DeafBlind gatherings at restaurants and coffee shops to learn from the people there. We will be staying one night in a hotel, and driving back to fly out on December 10th. Veledise and I will be flying back to Jamaica together, and are so excited to teach the staff about everything we learned from our trip! After that, we will be working together to develop a cohesive environment to better serve all the access needs on our team and new tactic strategies for leading the next two DTS sessions. Veledise and I are in the process of discussing what God has in store for the both of us working as a team! We can’t wait to see what happens next!

At this time, I would like to ask you for financial support of $500.00 for the gas, food, and hotel expenses of this trip. The plane ticket cost has already been covered. Also, please join me in giving thanks to God for the people who have so graciously offered to host us at their houses throughout the trip. I would love to be able to give them a small gift to show my appreciation. 


Wow, God is really sending people of all different backgrounds and experiences, whether Hearing, Deaf, or DeafBlind, to join His body of believers! There is really no stopping God! I am looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us next! 



Thank you again for your support,


Kevlasha Humphrey

YWAM - Deaf World Jamaica



(Note: Veledise has reignited her desire to help DeafBlind missionaries. On a previous outreach trip, she often volunteered to escort me around and to be my pro-tactile communicator. You would see a few pictures of Veledise and me below.)



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