The Fullness of Joy in God

Hola, Mi Familia y Amigas!

Hello, My Family and Friends!


Thank you for your prayers regarding my health. I really appreciate all your support! During this time I’ve really experienced many ups and downs. I’ve had some time to think through the challenge of coping with my diagnosis – PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). I have been getting better! I thank God for all the things He’s taught during this unexpected health condition.


Coping with PCOS

A while back I visited the gynecologist to discuss my PCOS. I made the tough decision to start using treatment pills. I really feel this is the best approach for my body at this time. It is my goal to improve my lifestyle by implementing a better diet, sticking to my new treatments, and exercising more to maintain good health habits. Making healthier choices, however difficult, will help me thrive throughout my mission in life.  


In full transparency, I have been battling as a DeafBlind person with health issues in the missions field overseas. This most recent diagnosis of PCOS has added an additional issue on my plate that affects my everyday life and ministry. For several years I have been struggling with harsh symptoms from PCOS. Praise God I now know what is the underlying cause and can adapt and heal from this experience. I had my moments stuck in my head feeling like I should give up on my calling in life. I realized I was limiting God’s ability to move in my life. I thought I could not be successful due to my limiting mindset. Thankfully, God helped me pull my wandering mind back on track, aligning once again with His perspective and provisions on the calling of my life path. I thank God for reminding me that these moments will pass, and I will get stronger with His strength inside of me. Not only that, I thank God for giving me the promise of living hope through His only Son, Jesus, and showing me true joy during difficult circumstances. Lately, He reminded me that I am a resilient warrior! I am so blessed to have loving people alongside me through this tough time. I am ready to put my renewed trust in God!


I would like to share an encouraging message with you. I want to remind you it is common to experience life’s ups and downs, but you can still experience joy with God. When you face challenges at your low moments, you can return to God and trust Him to be the leader and healer of your life. While enduring hardships and trials you can still experience joy. Allow God to connect meaning and purpose in your life and watch your perspective change and joy appear. Happiness can be a temporary emotion when all is well, however with God, joy will follow you throughout your journey of life’s hurdles. Here are two scriptures about hope and joy to encourage you. 


2 Corinthians 1:8b-10 (NIV)

"We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On Him, we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us."

Colossians 1:11 (ESV)

"Being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy."


YWAM Morelia in Mexico

A few newsletter ago, I told you I would give an update about my testimony during my time in Mexico. To be honest, I originally did not have a desire to go to Mexico, and a person had previously asked me to go and I turned that person down. It wasn't until God nudged me in a dream that I felt a strong calling to go to Mexico. I asked God to please send a confirmation that this is really what He wants me to do. I had planned to send out a newsletter asking for your financial support and prayers for this trip. However, God was faithful and had already nudged the hearts of several people, which allowed the funding for my trip to be provided for smoothly. 


Before I journeyed to Mexico, I prayed and asked God what He wanted me to do in Mexico and what was the purpose of me going. I do have a passion and willingness to educate hearing people about Deaf culture and Deafblind culture (these are a few of my many passions). Then I got a vision from God that the hearing people there would be like children, passionate and excited about learning about Deaf culture. In addition, one of my friends shared her vision about me, she saw me passing out fruit to them and them being so excited and inspired! I went ahead and trusted in God and His provision for my trip and purpose there. When I arrived in Mexico, I was amazed at how many people in the YWAM community came up to me wanting to learn American and Mexican sign language! They were so welcoming and so eager to include me from the moment I arrived. God's vision for me was instantly lived out from my first encounter being there!


When I arrived at the YWAM base in Mexico, I met two women (sisters) who explained to me the vision God gave them about starting a Deaf ministry there. One of them, Estefani, and I sat down together, she told me she was so inspired and knew that my coming to Mexico was a sign from God. My arrival was the confirmation she needed to take the first step in obedience to God's visions for them to start a Deaf ministry in Mexico.


God really pressed on my heart to trust Him no matter what! Even when I was feeling unsure of my purpose in Mexico. I needed to be obedient to God and trust in His plan for me to expose the people there to Deaf culture, and bear fruit and watch to see how God works in them next! Let God be the leader and He will do this rest according to His plan!



Love in Christ,


Kevlasha Humphrey

YWAM - Deaf World Jamaica




Copyrights ©Kevlasha Humphrey - 2021


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