The New Journey Begins
Happy New Year, Everyone!
As I look back at the beginning of January 2021 till now I can’t help but think, wow! Thank you for all the support that you’ve offered me throughout my mission. All of the prayers, advice, and encouragement truly touched my heart. Some of you even provided a place for me to stay and resources during my travels-thank you! I really appreciate the financial support when I sent out various newsletters requesting help after experiencing some unforeseen hurdles. Thank you for your faithfulness! I can’t imagine doing this without you! I will continue to post blessings and God's word while praying for more disciple missionaries. There are only a handful of missionaries out there who can reach Deaf communities. We need more! Join me in prayer for this need so we can reach more Deaf people all around the world and share with them the Good News of Jesus Christ! We are doing this for Gods’ kingdom. So again, a big thank you for making all of this happen.
Seattle Trip God sent the right person who was willing to share resources with us in Seattle. This woman is DeafBlind and works as an SSP coordinator. She provides services for the DeafBlind community all over Washington state by finding ideal matches for DeafBlind clients and SSP guides. When she, Veledise, and I initially met we instantly hit it off. I felt like God prompted me to ask her if she would be willing to provide resources and teach Veledise about SSP. She agreed and even after a full day of work the next day, she taught them (Emily included as well) way into the late hours of the night. Praise God for the willing vessel He made in her!
During her teaching time with them, she let them try special eye goggles which simulated what it would be like to be partially blind. For example, one feature of the glasses would only allow you to see through random spots or blurry holes, while another pair only allowed you to see straight ahead and not out of your peripheral vision. Switching back and forth between the different goggles and having the other person lead them through various daily situations was a really big eye-opening experience for them to learn about the struggles of Deaf-blind people. Veledise especially felt very overwhelmed and was taken back at the tremendous added communication hurdle, gaining an even deeper respect for the target community we are on missions to serve. During that experience, her passion to help DeafBlind people grew even stronger! While watching Veledise’s experience with the goggles, I realized what an incredible opportunity it would be to bring these goggles back to Jamaica to help educate other people in the same way. Unfortunately, the goggles are extremely expensive. But God gave Emily a vision of how to make our own version! We bought swim goggles and used various strips of materials as well as straw and paint. We were so thrilled to bring our newly constructed DeafBlind simulated goggles back to Jamaica with us! I also wanted to note what a blessing it was to have such wonderful friends and sisters in Christ on the trip with me! I was so blessed by Emily’s servant heart being so willing to drive several hours to and from Seattle and Spokane. In many ways, I have seen such generosity and kindness in both their hearts. I especially look forward to Emily becoming one of my DTS students this September! |
DeafBlind Workshop After arriving home, we immediately got to work sharing our experience on what we learned while in Seattle. Veledise did a great job preparing our lessons! We taught our team about DeafBlind culture, shared with them some Do’s and Don’ts, and let them experience our homemade goggles first hand. The goggle activity was held outside and we instructed them to go back and forth between the two goggles as well as using a blindfold over their eyes. In some situations, we gave them a person who acted as an SSP guide, and other times we left them alone. It really gave my team a deeper sense of what it would be like to be DeafBlind. They realized it’s an even greater struggle to get around and you feel left out during some situations. Deaf people already miss out on a lot of information, but being DeafBlind there’s even more communication barriers and missed information. In the end, I asked my team what their feedback was and they shared similar feelings of being overwhelmed and having a greater respect for the DeafBlind people who experience this each and everyday. After that, they even made more of an effort to use touch, as well as PT and tactile signing approaches. I really appreciate the way our trip to Seattle has impacted my team for the better. It has really bonded us here in Jamaica, and I feel honored and touched that they are being extra considerate of my needs. I feel very inspired, and realize how education and the use of resources can really impact people and their perspectives.
YWAM Deaf World Jamaica - Ministries: My team and I will be busy this year and next year as well. I am pretty excited to share what we have in store for our ministry. After you read this, please pray that we come to God with humility and honest faith to request physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual strength during our journey. Thank you in advance, and please continue reading below about our ministries:
Church -
Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf (CCCD) -
Discipleship Training School (DTS) -
Secondary School -
Please keep us in your prayers, thank you! Have a blessed year!
Love in Christ,
Kevlasha Humphrey YWAM - Deaf World Jamaica |
Blogger: https://theshiningmoth4christ. Donation: Copyrights ©Kevlasha Humphrey - 2022 |
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